Friday 26 April 2013

Pantyhose on Dog

So a friend recently inquired if I had "pantyhosed" Dog yet.

Intrigued, I referred to the Google to find out what this trend was.

It's literally putting pantyhose on your dog.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Turducken for Dogs (And More of Photobombing Dog)


Photo of my PPD test to ask a friend if it looks "normal"...
(I like how Dog looks exceptionally creepy here.)

This is why you can't have nice things, Dog.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Dog the Photobomber

I started noticing something in the random photos I take...  Dog.

For example...

 When my friend expressed interest in the SPI Belt I recently purchased...

Or Dog as "Your Drinking Habits are Questionable" Dog

Or when I wanted to show what an impressive job she had done in demolishing her antler...

Or when I sent a photo showing a pen that had been missing but subsequently found in the flat...

And when I was confessing my shameful literature choices to a friend... (Don't judge me.)

And last but not least, a videobombing...

Saturday 13 April 2013

Dog is Bored

Dog:  "I'm so booooooored."
Me:  "Not my problem, Dog."

Dog:  "There's nothing to dooooooooooo. SO booooooooored!"
Me:  "Quit bothering me. I'm reading."

Dog:  "Come on.... Pay attention to meeeeeeeeeee."
Me:  "No."

Dog:  "How can you ignore a face like this?"