Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Decoy Poo

This is the face of smug satisfaction:

So, this morning, while getting ready, Dog made a little special treat in the form of poo shenanigans.

But it gets better - She poo'ed a decoy poo first, and when I went to go clean it up, she somehow ninja-creeped to where I was standing when the decoy poo was spotted, and then shit out a massive poo bomb.

Then she fled to her crate.

I hate her so much sometimes. SO much.

Figure 1:  Schematic drawing of Dog's morning poo shenanigans

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Fun with Photos

So recently, a friend wanted to show off the holiday lights he has on display on his house.

(Actual photo he displayed to everyone.)

So, being the natural jerk that I am, I attached this photo (all in good jest, of course):

(I'm a little jealous I didn't think of it first.)

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Rooster on the Lam

There is a rooster. On the lam. In a tree.

No shit, this motherfucker has been waking us all up with his cock-a-doodle-doo'ing.

And one of the neighbors took a photo of him.

A motherfucking rooster.